Map of Parade Route Volunteers and participants may also review a Map of Parade Staging to learn where to check in.
2016 Parade Sponsors
Leo P. Kahn CPA $1000
Therapy Stores Inc. $750
NAPA Portland Distribution Center $750
Farrell Realty & Property Mgt $500
Richards Homewares, Inc $300
Oregonians Credit Union $300
Barbara & John Legge $200
Shamrock Market $100
Zimmers Grooming Salon $100
Wayne's Barber Shop $100
Vinyl Resting Place $100
Crouchley Plumbing Co. $100
Proper Eats LLC $100
The Man's Shop $100
Brass Tacks Sandwiches $100
Timmco Insurance Inc. $100
Nick R. Mellum DMD, PC $100
Blue Bird Tavern $100
Harvest Homes $100
Tire Factory - St.Johns $100
Blue Moon Camera & Machine $100
Rhonda Ensley $100
Pioneer Methodist Church $100
7-Eleven (Tygers@St.Louis)$100
Jeanine & Tom Sinnott $100
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