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General Information
The St. Johns Parade starts at 12:00 p.m on the 2nd Saturday in May each year.
Please check us out on Facebook and "like" us there at St. Johns Parade on Facebook

The St. Johns Parade has been a tradition in the North Portland area since 1962. People from near and far look forward to this event every year. Many families have their favorite viewing spot and many who have moved away come home for this special weekend to watch the floats, bands, drill teams, and horses. Parade participants from the early years are now watching their children and grandchildren as they march or ride the parade route. The parade kicks off every year on the 2nd Saturday in May - promptly at noon.

The parade is a free event! Anyone can enter – young and old! All entries are welcome that fit the family venue of the parade. No alcohol, firearms or weapons of any kind are allowed. If there are any loud arguments, disputes, or other issues that arise in the staging area or along the parade route, the people involved will immediately be asked to leave.

The parade committee is always in need of volunteers. If you can help with organizing the event or want to help on parade day, see the Volunteer link at the top of the page. Please contact the parade committee volunteer coordinator at if you have questions.

Parade Committee Members for The St. Johns Parade

Debbie Reichelt - Chair
Noreen Shoff - Treasurer
Tony Darco - Secretary
Gary Boehm
Richard Colvin
Brenna Park-Egan
Janet Vanek
Frank Vanek
Betty Drenkhahn
Allie Terpner
Maggie Poyant
Sherry Nutting
Randy Nutting

Parade Committee Contact Information:
The Chair of the St. Johns Parade Committee is Debbie Reichelt. If you have questions that have not been answered or have special needs, please contact Debbie at 503-735-1189.

Debbie Reichelt Chair
503-735-1189 Call or Text

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