Map of Parade Route courtesy of the St. Johns Review. The St. Johns Parade Committee thanks the St. Johns Review for its support of our St Johns Parade. Volunteers and participants may also review a Map of Parade Staging to learn where to check in.
The St. Johns Parade thanks our generous donors each year who help the Parade Committee cover expenses. Without the support of sponsors the St. Johns Parade would not happen. Sponsors are awarded levels based on their contributions. Learn more about how sponsors support the parade. No donation is too small. Become a sponsor. Mail your check today! Donate by credit or checkcard. Click the Donate button on the left.
2024 Parade Sponsors
The Sayers Family $3500
Yewbingy LLC $1000
West Coast Fitness $750
Washman LLC $750
Our Streets (Ptld non-profit) $750
Farrell Realty & Property Management $500
Vinyl Resting Place $300
Sabatino Moto $300
Betty Drenkhahn $300
Blue Moon Camera & Machine $300
St Johns Neighborhood Association $250
Fidelity Charitable Grant $250
Point S Auto $200
Andrew Pienkos $200
Frank & Janet Zanek $200
Jeffrey Paul Fish $150
Rhonda Easley $125
Crouchley Plumbing $100
E & M Appliance $100
Joseph Lagoon $100
Charlene Ascher $100
Leonard Crale $100
Hound & Hare Vintage $100
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