Our next meeting will take place 11/16/24 at 1 p.m. at a location to be determined.
Entries for the 2025 St Johns Parade will be opening Very Soon! Please check this site frequently. See you Saturday May 10th, at noon!
Check-In Booth will be open from 8:30 am until II:00 am at the corner of N. Central and N. Buchanan.
Contact Debbie Reichelt, Chair, at Info@stjohnsparade.org or call or text 503-735-1189 with questions.
Thank you for your interest. You can submit your entry online or by mail. If you mail your entry, it may take a few more days to appear on the entries list. The tentative Parade Day date is Saturday, May 10th, 2025 at noon, rain or shine. Entry forms must be received by May 1st.
All entries with the exception of bands and equestrians MUST enter the staging area by turning off of N. Lombard on
to N. Buchanan, and then proceeding to the Check-In Booth on the corner of N. Buchanan and N. Central (see map).
There you will be given a packet with your entry number. The Volunteer at the Check-In Booth will direct you
to your staging area.
Bands and Equestrians: If you have any questions about how to enter the staging area, please contact a parade Volunteer at info@stjohnsparade.org.
Buses:Travel west on N. Lombard to N. St. Louis. Turn right and go to N. Smith and turn right again. Drop parade
participants off in front of Assumption Village Retirement Home, on the corner of N. Smith and N. Burr, across Burr
from Roosevelt High School football field. After dropping off participants, proceed straight ahead on N. Smith to N. Ida
and turn right. Go to N. Lombard and turn right again. Travel to N. St. Louis, turn right, and go to N. Central and turn
right. At the far corner of the Community Center park is N. John. Turn left and pull up as far as possible to park your bus.
The parade disbands at the St. Johns Community Center.
If you are a Vehicle Group or if your group has more than one car/ truck/ float in your entry, you MUST meet together
as a group outside the staging area and come in as a group to the Check-in Booth. Once any of you have entered the
staging area, it will be impossible to get the rest of your group staged together if you don’t enter at the same time.
For Safety’s Sake: Important Safety Information
Equestrian entries: you must keep your horses under control at all times and provide your own clean up scooper. Also, riders under 18 years of age must have a walker with them at all times during staging and on the parade route.
Other animals, including pets, are not allowed in the parade without prior approval.
All children participating, including those accompanied by their parents in the entry, must have a signed Permission Slip with them on parade day for each child under 18 years of age, or thru 20 years of age, if he/she is still living with/insured by parents or legal guardian. Please view and print and complete the Permission Slip as needed. The permission slip must have emergency contact information and must be signed by the parent or legal guardian of the child, giving the child permission to participate in the parade. Children must be supervised at all times.
If participants are on a vehicle or flat bed truck they will not be allowed to get on and off the vehicle during staging or on the parade route. Once on, stay on. Again, this is for the safety of all participants and spectators.
Adequate spacing between entries allows for safety, and for spectators to appreciate each entry. If the space between you and the entry ahead of you becomes less than a car length, pause long enough to increase the space to one car length before continuing. Please follow the instructions of any parade security volunteers or police officers.
Please do not attempt to drive down streets that have been barricaded. Please tell the other people in your group not to attempt to drive down streets that have been barricaded.
The parade starts promptly at 12 noon.
Entry # must be displayed prominently (on the left of the entry) at all times and vehicles must be attended at all times.
Download the Official Entry Packet to have these maps on hand when you check-in.
1. Complete the form below to make your entry.
2. Click the Preview button below and scroll down the page to review your entry.
3. If you are satisfied, please print this entry from your web browser.
4. After you have printed your entry information, you will then click Submit to send your entry.
5. When your entry is received, you will see your Entry name listed on the Entries. Important: YOU DO NOT NEED TO MAIL IN YOUR APPLICATION IF YOU PLACED YOUR ENTRY ONLINE!
Bring one copy with you to the Check-In Booth on N. Buchanan on parade day. You will then be given an entry number and be directed to the staging area.
* The Check-In Booth will be open from 8:30 am until II:00 am.
* Your entry form must be received or postmarked by May 1st, 2025. No entries will be accepted after that date.
Submission by mail If you would like to submit your entry via US Mail, you may download an Official Entry Packet. Please download and print this PDF form and complete in its entirety. IMPORTANT: Do not submit your entry online if you plan to send your entry by mail. (This will just confuse us!) Send the original completed paper form and one copy to the address on the form and bring one copy with you to the Check-In Booth on N. Buchanan on parade day. You will then be given an entry number and be directed to the staging area. BE SURE TO SIGN THE ENTRY FORM BEFORE MAILING!
Your entry name will appear on the Entries page.
The Parade Committee requests your support in maintaining a Family Appropriate Venue.
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