Map of Parade Route courtesy of the St. Johns Review. The St. Johns Parade Committee thanks the St. Johns Review for its support of our St Johns Parade. Volunteers and participants may also review a Map of Parade Staging to learn where to check in.
2023 Parade Sponsors
Sayers Family $3500
Masonic Lodge #160 $2000
Portland Fire Fighters Assn
& Fire Station #22 $1001
Jenny Cooke $500
Edward Jones $500
Fidelity Charity $250
Betty Drenkhahn $250
Leah Passell $200
Rhonda Ensley $150
Gretchen Benner $100
St Johns Bachelor Club $100
Robert Healy $100
Daniel Wakehouse $100
Joan Thompson $100
Anton Gustafson $100
Charlene Ascher $100
Signe Todd $100
Jenna Anderson $100
Portland Skyliners $100
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