Map of Parade Route courtesy of the St. Johns Review. The St. Johns Parade Committee thanks the St. Johns Review for its support of our St Johns Parade. Volunteers and participants may also review a Map of Parade Staging to learn where to check in.
2019 Parade Sponsors
Sayers Family $2500
GLI Advisors $1000
Albina Rotary $1000
NAPA Auto Parts $750
US BANK (Peninsula Br) $500
Farrell & Associates Inc.$500
SJNA $500
High Temp $300
New Seasons $300
Susan & James Tarjan $300
Pacific Medical Grp $300
Storm Breaker Brewing $300
Kung Food $300
Fidelity Charity $250
Crouchley Plumbing $100
Zimmers Grooming $100
Shamrock Market $100
Rhonda Ensley $100
Oregonians Credit Union $100
Vinyl Resting Place $100
El Burrito Mojado $100
Gather Resale LLC $100
KG Law Grp $100
Skylar Merkelbach $100
Harvest Homes $100
7-Eleven (St.Louis) $100
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