2025 Committee Members
Debbie Reichelt - Chair
Noreen Shoff - Treasurer
Tony Darco - Secretary
Gary Boehm
Brenna Park-Egan
Janet Vanek
Frank Vanek
Betty Drenkhahn
Allie Terpner
Maggie Poyant
Sherry Nutting
Randy Nutting
The Parade Committee works year-round to ensure the success of this cherished neighborhood event and always welcomes new members! Whether you a new neighbor or an established St. Johns resident, please consider a role on the committee as way to give back to your community.

The Committee typically meets for up 4 hours each month. All levels of commitment are welcome. Organizational help is needed up through parade day, and many more helping hands are needed on the day of the event to ensure it runs smoothly and safely.

If you'd like to volunteer in any capacity, sign up here!
Parade Committee
2024 Parade Committee and Parade Day Volunteers
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