Map of Parade Route courtesy of the St. Johns Review. The St. Johns Parade Committee thanks the St. Johns Review for its support of our St Johns Parade. Volunteers and participants may also review a Map of Parade Staging to learn where to check in.
Hello Friends and Neighbors,
The St Johns Parade Committee is happy to announce that the 2024 St. Johns Parade will take place at 12 p.m., May 11th, 2024!
As you may know, the St Johns Parade is the oldest and only all donation and volunteer parade! We do not charge entry fees for groups who participate in our parade. In addition, our parade brings people from all over the Northwest and helps provide revenue for our local businesses.
But.......To make it happen we have a few challenges. First, for the St Johns Parade to happen in 2024 we need a lot of volunteers. We need at least 100 volunteers to sign up for "barricade support" to help keep our staging area and parade route free and clear. Secondly, the parade committee needs donations. The ability to donate is right here on our website via Paypal. Third, we need entries for the St, Johns Parade, so sign up now! Finally, The Parade Committee is looking for people who may be interested in joining. Our committee is much smaller in size than it needs to be to support an incredible parade like the St, Johns Parade!
So here is what we NEED everyone to do:
-Sign up to Volunteer for "Barricade Support", without "Barricade Support", there is no St. Johns Parade.
-Click on the "Donate" button and contribute anything you can to help make the parade happen.
-Enter to be in the St. Johns Parade!
-Consider joining the Committee! Contact our Chair Debbie Reichelt
-Share this information with everyone you know!
Let's have an amazing St. Johns Parade on May 11th, 2024!
The St. Johns Bizarre is managed by a separate organization. For questions about that event see
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