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2018 Sponsors

2018 Parade Sponsors

The Sayers Family $2000
Albina Rotary Club $1000
NAPA Auto Parts $750
GLI Advisors $750
Therapy Stores Inc.$750
Farrell Realty $750

Gill's Point-S St.Johns $500
St.Johns Neighborhood Assc. $500

High-Temp Inc $300
Cost Plus Heating & Air $300
Mellum Family Dentistry $300
Pacific Medical Grp $300
St.Johns Design Build $300
Kung Food $300

Naomi Carrier $250
New Seasons Mkt-Univ. Park $150
Marilyn Korenaga $100
Therapy Stores $100
Timmco Insurance $100
Crouchley Plumbing Co. $100
Shamrock Market $100
Convergence Architecture $100
Zimmer's Grooming Salon $100
Vinyl Resting Place $100
Blue Moon Camera & Machine $100
7-11 (8101 N. Lombard) $100
Big Kahuna's BBQ & Caterer $100
Leisure Public House $100
Rhonda Ensley $100
St.Johns Veterinary Clinic $100
The Man's Shop $100
7-11 (7330 St.Louis) $100
Harvest Homes $100
Florence Ivie $100
Susan Tarjan $100
Megan Eskander $100
Oregonians Credit Union $100

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